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Fc receptors-High purity

Die Wirksamkeit eines therapeutischen Antikörpers hängt nicht nur vom Fab-Fragment und seiner Bindungsaktivität an das Zielantigen ab, sondern auch vom Fc-Fragment und seiner Wechselwirkung mit den Schlüssel-Fc-Rezeptoren. Die Bindungsaffinität des Fc-Fragments zu FcRn (FCGRT&B2M) könnte die Halbwertszeit des Antikörpers vorhersagen, während die zwischen dem Fc-Fragment und FcγRIIIa (CD16a) die Fähigkeit des Antikörpers, ADCC (antikörperabhängige zellvermittelte Zytotoxizität) hervorzurufen, beeinflussen könnte, Daher müssen Kandidaten während des Antikörper-Engineerings gegen eine Reihe von Rezeptoren getestet werden.

ACROBiosystems bietet eine umfassende Sammlung von Fc-Rezeptor-Produkten an, einschließlich FcRnFcγRs und deren gängigen Varianten, um die Entwicklung Ihrer monoklonalen Antikörper zu beschleunigen.

Neue Produktempfehlung: Human FcRn Binding Kit (TR-FRET), Human Fc gamma RI / CD64 Binding Kit(TR-FRET)
Es ist einfach in der Anwendung, hochempfindlich und genau in den Ergebnissen und unterstützt und beschleunigt so den Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von Antikörper-Medikamenten.

Heiße ziele
Vorteile von Fc-Rezeptorproteinprodukten

Exprimiert von HEK293-Zellen: posttranslationale Modifikation und korrekte Proteinfaltung

Mehrere Arten: Menschen, Mäuse, Cynomolgus(Javaneraffe)/Rhesus-Makaken, Ratten, Schweine, Kaninchen, Katzen, Rinder, können vollständig auf verschiedene artenübergreifende Versuche angewendet werden

Hohe Reinheit: SDS-PAGE-Überprüfung:  Reinheit>95%, SEC-MALS-Überprüfung: Reinheit>90%

Niedriges Endotoxin: <1.0 EU/µg                    

Hohe Stabilität: strenge Qualitätskontrolle zur Gewährleistung einer hohen Konsistenz von Charge zu Charge

Erhältlich sind mit  AvitagTMmarkierte biotinylierte Fc-Rezeptorproteine: hohe Markierungseffizienz, die Markierungsstelle ist genau und eindeutig, was für ELISA/SPR/BLI-Nachweise auf der Grundlage der Bindung an Streptavidin im Prozess der Arzneimittelentwicklung und -optimierung geeignet ist

Affinität durch SPR & BLI bestätigt: Aktivität garantiert,   Verfahrensvorschriften kostenlos erhältlich


Hohe Reinheit

To meet the high purity requirement of pharmaceutical applications, our production team perform both SDS-PAGE and SEC-MALS analyses to the Fc receptors for QC purposes. It’s noteworthy that it’s essential to use monomeric Fc receptor, which represents its natural state. The formation of oligomers during production may result in artificially enhanced binding interaction due to avidity effect. To avoid such situation, we have established strict internal control standards of monomer purity by SEC-MALS testing. Only those batches meeting all purity requirements are released.

Fc receptors-SPR

Fig. 1 The purity of Human CD32a (R167), His Tag (Cat. No. CDA-H5221) is more than 95% verified by SDS-PAGE. The purity of Human CD32a (R167), His Tag (Cat. No. CDA-H5221) is more than 90% verified by SEC-MALS. And the molecular weight of this protein is around 25-35 kDa.

Durch SPR&BLI bestätigte Bioaktivität

The binding affinity between two molecules can be determined by many methods. However, the studies of Fc interaction are often done by SPR, because traditional ELISA is not appropriate for low affinity receptors such as CD16 and CD32. To assure our Fc receptors deliver expected performance, our QC team use Biacore platform to test our products against reference antibodies. Additionally, to meet more applications in the development of antibody drugs, our QC team also use ForteBio platform to test our products against reference antibodies. All SPR&BLI protocols are available for free.

Fc receptors-SPR

Fig. 2 Human CD64, His Tag (SPR & BLI verified) (Cat. No. FCA-H52H1) captured on CM5 chip via anti-His antibody can bind Herc*ptin with an affinity constant of 4.92 nM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore 8K) (QC tested).

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Fc receptors-BLI

Fig. 3 Immobilized Human FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag&Strep II Tag (SPR & BLI verified) (Cat. No.  FCM-H5286) on CM5 Chip via Anti-His antibody, can bind Herc*ptin with an affinity constant of 0.261 μM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore T200).

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Fc receptors-BLI

Fig. 4 Loaded Human CD64, His Tag (SPR & BLI verified) (Cat. No. FCA-H52H1) on HIS1K Biosensor, can bind Herc*ptin with an affinity constant of 6.98 nM as determined in BLI assay (ForteBio Octet Red96e).

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Fc receptors-BLI

Fig. 5 Loaded Human FCGRT&B2M Heterodimer Protein, His Tag (SPR & BLI verified) (Cat. No. FCN-H52W7) on SA Biosensor via Biotin his antibody, can bind Herc*ptin with an affinity constant of 0.14 μM as determined in BLI assay (ForteBio Octet Red96e).

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Hohe Konsistenz von Charge zu Charge

We routinely apply rigorous quality control measures to ensure consistent performance of our product. As shown below, the batch variation among the tested samples is negligible.

Fc receptors-High batch to batch consistency

Fig. 6 Immobilized Human Fc gamma RIIB / CD32b Protein (Cat. No. CDB-H5228) on CM5 Chip via anti-His antibody, can bind Ritux*mab with an affinity constant of 10 μM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore T200).

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We have compared the performance of different batches of CD32b (CDB-H5228) in the same assay, and the software analysis showed that the similarity score was very high, meaning high batch-to-batch consistency.

Fc receptors-High batch to batch consistency

Fig. 7 Batch consistency of Human Fc gamma RIIB / CD32b (Cat. No. CDB-H5228). The consistency of different batches is more than 90%.

Biotinylierte oder andere Arten von Fc-Rezeptoren verfügbar FC Rezeptoren anderer Arten verfügbar

The use of biotin labeling can make your assay development much easier. We offer a variety of ready-to-use biotinylated Fc receptors. These proteins are produced using our in-house developed labeling techniques, which confers high bioactivity and minimal batch-to-batch variation. In addition, we have developed a series of Fc receptors of other species, which are suitable for the screening of non-humanized antibodies or the species cross reaction.

Fc receptors-High batch to batch consistency

Fig. 8 Biotinylated Human CD16a (V176), His Tag, Avi Tag (Cat. No.CDA-H82E9) captured on Biotin CAP- Series S Sensor Chip can bind Ritux*mab with an affinity constant of 0.261 μM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore T200).

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Fc receptors-High batch to batch consistency

Fig. 9 Immobilized Cynomolgus / Rhesus macaque FcRn Protein (Cat. No. FCM-C5284) on CM5 Chip via anti-His antibody, can bind Herc*ptin with an affinity constant of 0.403 μM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore T200).

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(Alle Fc-Rezeptoren werden von HEK293 exprimiert)
  • FcRn

  • FcγR

  • FcεR

MolekülKat. Nr.HostProduktbeschreibungStruktur
MolekülKat. Nr.HostProduktbeschreibungStruktur
MolekülKat. Nr.HostProduktbeschreibungStruktur

Fc-Rezeptor-verwandte Moleküle – IgG-Fc-Protein

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ACRO Quality

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