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Entdecken Sie unsere Reihe hochwertiger Proteine, die umfassende diagnostische Indikatoren zur Erleichterung der in-vitro-diagnostischen Erforschung neurologischer Erkrankungen abdecken.
Vorgeformte Fibrillen sind ein unschätzbares vorklinisches Modell für die Erforschung der Pathogenese neurologischer Erkrankungen aufgrund der Aggregation fehlgefalteter Proteine. Entdecken Sie unsere vorselektierten PFFs für Ihre Forschung.
Neuronaler Faktoren sind eine Klasse von Proteinmolekülen mit neurotropher Aktivität, die das Überleben und die Regeneration von Nervenzellen fördern können. Entdecken Sie unsere Reihe rekombinanter neuronaler Faktoren zur Unterstützung der Kultur und Differenzierung von Nervenzellen.
In Zusammenarbeit mit Diagnostische Biochips bieten wir nun Lösungen für in- vivo-Elektrophysiologie-Aufzeichnungen an, darunter hochwertige Mehrkanalelektroden und andere Produkte, die eine hochwertige und effiziente Analyse der Struktur und Funktion neuronaler Schaltkreise ermöglichen.
Neural antibodies can specifically label and recognize molecules on nerve cells, enabling a more comprehensive understanding and study of the biological properties, functions, and mechanisms of nerve cells in neurodegenerative diseases.
Proteinmarker sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der biologischen Forschung und Arzneimittelentwicklung. Sei es für die Proteinelektrophorese oder den Western Blot, unsere vorgefärbten Proteinmarker helfen Ihnen, das Molekulargewicht des Zielproteins schnell zu bestimmen oder die Transfereffizienz zu bewerten.
Streptavidin ist ein tetrameres Protein mit 4 hochaffinen Biotin-Bindungsstellen. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Produkten an, die mit Streptavidin vorkonjugiert sind, ebenso wie biotinylierte Proteine, um Ihre Forschung zu unterstütze.
Die Einstellung des entsprechenden Isotyp-Kontrollantikörpers zum Nachweis unspezifischer Bindungen kann die Entstehung falsch positiver Ergebnisse verringern und die möglichen Einflussfaktoren im Prozess der Arzneimittelentwicklung genau bewerten. Entdecken Sie unsere Isotyp-Kontrollen für Ihre Forschung.
Möchten Sie Ihren eigenen Chemilumineszenztest entwickeln? Entdecken Sie unsere Produkte, um Ihren eigenen MPCLIA für Ihre Bedürfnisse zusammenzustellen!
Die Wirksamkeit eines therapeutischen Antikörpers hängt vom Fab-Fragment und seiner Bindungsaktivität an das Zielantigen ab, aber auch vom Fc-Fragment und seiner Interaktion mit den wichtigsten Fc-Rezeptoren, weshalb die Kandidaten während des Antikörper-Engineerings an einer Reihe von Rezeptoren getestet werden müssen. Entdecken Sie unsere umfassende Sammlung rekombinanter Fc-Rezeptor-Proteine!
Wir haben uns verpflichtet, die Forschung, Entwicklung, Zulassung und Vermarktung von Impfstoffen gegen Infektionskrankheiten zu beschleunigen. Mit dieser Idee ist ViruStop speziell für die Virenforschung entwickelt worden!
Antigen-spezifische oder neutralisierende Antikörper sind für Ihre Forschung verfügbar! Egal, ob Sie neutralisierende Assays durchführen oder Antikörpertiter bewerten möchten, - entdecken Sie unseren Antikörperkatalog!
Evaluating CAR expression is an essential step in the production of CAR-T cells. This is often done by flow cytometry,using protein L, anti-Fab antibodies, anti-idiotypic antibody or target antigens as detection antibodies. Among these common choices, target antigens are widely considered to be the best option, because it offers high specificity and minimal background staining.
Click to download the Guidance for CAR detection
Target Antigens
Specifically bind to the antigen-binding domains of CARs.
High specificity
Minimal background staining
High cost
Each unique CAR has to be stained with corresponding antigens
Protein L
Binds to the kappa light chain of immunoglobulin.
Universal and low cost
High background staining.
Cannot detect the anti-lambda light chain CAR
Anti-Fab antibody
Binds to the Fab portion of immunoglobulin.
Universal and low cost
High background staining
Anti-idiotypic Antibody
Specifically bind to the antigen-binding domains of CARs.
High specificity;
High sensitivity
Minimal background staining.
Each unique CAR has to be stained with corresponding Anti- idiotypic Antibody.
Most need to be customized and customization is very time-consuming
Case No.1 Evaluation of anti-BCMA CAR expression using biotinylated BCMA
Reagents:Biotinylated human BCMA protein, Fc & Avi Tag (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. BC7-H82F0); PE Streptavidin (Biolegend, Cat. No. 405204).
Samples:Jurkat cells expressing BCMA-CAR ; Primary T cells expressing BCMA-CAR
Brief Protocol:
1.Transduce human primary T cells or Jurkat T cells with BCMA-CAR lentivirus.2.Collect the CAR transduced human T cells and un-transduced T cells.3.Count the cells and aliquot 2 x105 cells for staining into each tube.4.Wash the cells once with a FACS buffer.5.Dilute the biotinylated human BCMA protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. BC7-H82F0) with working stock to 3µg/ml. Add 100µl of Biotinylated BCMA to each tube and incubate for 60 minutes in ice (protect from light).6.Wash the cells with FACS buffer once and stain with 100µl of 1µg/ml PE conjugated streptavidin for 30 minutes in ice (protect from light).7.Wash the cells twice with FACS buffer.8.Resuspend the cells in 200µl FACS buffer.9.Analyze the results using Attune NxT flow cytometer and FlowJo software.
Results:The data show that BCMA-CAR expression can be successfully quantified using Biotinylated BCMA from ACROBiosystems (Cat. No. BC7-H82F0) both in jurkat cell line (Fig.1) and primary T cells (Fig.2). Control cells lacking BCMA-CAR expression showed no positive staining (Fig. 3) with PE- Streptavidin conjugate indicating that the staining using biotinylated BCMA is specific.
Fig. 1. BCMA-CAR expression in Jurkat cells
Fig. 2. BCMA-CAR expression in Primary T cells
Fig. 3 Control cells without BCMA-CAR expression.
Data are kindly provided by R&D team, Theragent Inc
Reagents:Biotinylated human BCMA protein, Fc & Avi Tag (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. BC7-H82F0);PE Streptavidin (Biolegend, Cat. No. 405204).
Samples:Anti-BCMA CAR-transduced human primary T-cells.
Brief Protocol:
1.Transduce human primary T-cells with a lentiviral vector to express anti-BCMA CAR;2.Three days post-transduction, cells were stained with a biotinylated human BCMA protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. BC7-H82F0);3.After washing, secondary labeling was performed with PE Streptavidin;4.The cells were analyzed using BD FACSCaliburTM flow cytometer, and the data was analyzed with FCS Express 6 Plus software.
Results:The data showed that the expression of anti-BCMA CARs on transduced T cell surface from donor 1 and donor 2 were 52.72% and 73.49%, respectively.
Human T cells were transfected with anti-BCMA CAR and cultured for 3 days. Three days post-transfection, 1x106 cells were first incubated with 50ul biotinylated human BCMA protein (Cat. No. BC7-H82F0, 8ug/ml ), washed and then stained with PE Streptavidin and analyzed by flow cytometry.
Data are kindly provided by PREGENE Biopharma
Case No.2 Evaluation of anti-CD19 CAR expression using FITC-labeled CD19 protein
Reagents:FITC-labeled Human CD19 (20-291) Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. CD9-HF2H2).
Samples:Anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells.
Brief Protocol:
1.Culture anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells in DMEM medium with 10% FBS in the CO2 incubator (at 37°C, 5% CO2). 2.Harvest the cells and wash the cells once by wash buffer. 3.Count the cells number and the viability, aliquot up 2e5 live cells (Anti-CD19-scFv positive cell is 98%) into each tube. (Note: the cell viability must be ≥ 95%.) 4.Add 100 µl, 10 µg/ml of FITC-labeled Human CD19 (20-291) Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. CD9-HF2H2) or FITC-labeled Protein control into each tube, incubating at 4℃ for 1 hour. 5.Wash the cells 3 times by wash buffer and resuspend the cells in 200 µl PBS per sample. 6.Transfer the cells into flow tube and detect by Flow cytometry. 7.Analyze result using FACS Celesta software and FCS Express 6 Flow software.
Results:The data showed that the expression level of anti-CD19 scFv on the surface of anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells was 95.37%.
293 cells were transfected with anti-CD19-scFv and RFP tag. 2e5 of the cells were stained with B. FITC-Labeled Human CD19 (20-291) (Cat. No. CD9-HF2H2, 10 µg/ml) and C. FITC-labeled protein control. A. Non-transfected 293 cells and C. FITC-labeled protein control were used as negative control. RFP was used to evaluate CAR (anti-CD19-scFv) expression and FITC was used to evaluate the binding activity of FITC-labeled Human CD19 (20-291) (Cat. No. CD9-HF2H2).
Case No.3 Evaluation of anti-CD19 CAR expression using FITC-labeled anti-FMC63 scFv antibody
1.Culture Anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells in DMEM medium with 10% FBS in the CO2 incubator (at 37 ℃, 5% CO2). 2.Harvest the cells and wash the cells once by FACS buffer. 3.Count the cells number and the viability, aliquot up 2e5 live cells into each tube. (Note: the cell viability must ≥ 95%.) 4.Dilute FITC-Labeled Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. FM3-FY45) in FACS buffer to get the working solution just before the assay, and then add 100 μL of the working solution into the tube with cell pellet. Mix well and incubate at 4℃ for 60 minutes. 5.Wash the cells 3 times by FACS buffer and resuspend the cell pellet in 200 μL PBS per sample. 6.Transfer the cell suspension into flow tube and detect the cells by Flow cytometry. 7. Analyze the result data using FCS Express 7 Plus and GraphPad Prism 5 software.
Results:The data showed that the expression level of anti-CD19 scFv on the surface of anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells was 100%.
2e5 of Anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:50 dilution (2 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) FITC-Labeled Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Cat. No. FM3-FY45) and isotype control respectively. FITC signal was used to evaluate the binding activity .
Case No.4 Evaluation of anti-MSLN CAR expression using PE-labeled MSLN protein
Reagents:PE-labeled Human Mesothelin / MSLN (296-580) Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. MSN-HP2H5).
Samples:Anti-MSLN CAR-293 cells
Brief Protocol:
1.Culture anti-MSLN CAR-293 cells in DMEM medium with 10% FBS in the CO2 incubator (at 37 ℃, 5% CO2). 2.Harvest the cells and wash the cells once by wash buffer. 3.Count the cells number and the viability, aliquot up 1e6 live cells into each tube. 4.Add 100 µl of diluted PE-labeled Human Mesothelin (296-580) Protein (Cat. No. MSN-HP2H5) (prepared in dilution buffer at 1:50 dilution) into each tube, incubating at 4℃ for 1 hour. 5.Wash the cells 3 times by wash buffer and resuspend the cells in 200 µl PBS per sample. 6.Transfer the cells into flow tube and detect by Flow cytometry. 7.Analyze result using FACS Celesta software and FCS Express 6 Flow software.
Results:The data showed that the expression level of anti-MSLN scFv on the surface of anti-MSLN CAR-293 cells was 100 %.
1e6 of the anti-MSLN CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:50 dilution (2 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) of PE-Labeled Human Mesothelin (296-580) Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. MSN-HP2H5) and negative control protein respectively, PE signal was used to evaluate the binding activity.
Case No.5 Evaluation of the detection specificity of CD19, Fc Tag
Reagents:Human CD19 Protein, Fc Tag (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. CD9-H5259);Human CD19 Protein ,Fc Tag (Company N);Human PD-L1 Protein, Fc Tag (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. PD1-H5258), as negative control;FITC anti-human IgG Fc antibody (Biolegend, Cat. No. 409310).
1.Cells were stained for CAR expression using ACRO’s human CD19 protein, Fc Tag or Company N’s human CD19 protein, Fc Tag;2.After washing, secondary labeling was performed with FITC anti-human IgG Fc antibody;3.The cells were analyzed using NovoCyteTM flow cytometer and the data analyzed by FCS Express 6 Plus and GraphPad Prism 5 software.
Results:The data shows that Company N’s human CD19-Fc fusion protein exhibits strong non-specific binding to 293 and Jurkat cells.
Binding specificity analysis of ACROBiosystems hCD19(C-Fc tag) protein
FACS analysis of human CD19 protein, Fc Tag (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. CD9-H5259) binding to A. R1013-C6 cells, B. Expi 293 cells, C. Jurkat E6.1 cells. Cells were first stained with human CD19 protein, Fc Tag (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. CD9-H5259) followed by FITC anti-human IgG Fc antibody, and then analyzed using NovoCyteTM Flow Cytometer. The data were analyzed with FCS Express 6Plus and GraphPad Prism 5 software.
Binding specificity analysis of Company N hCD19(C-Fc tag) protein
FACS analysis of human CD19 protein, Fc Tag (Company N) binding to A. R1013-C6 cells, B. Expi 293 cells, C. Jurkat E6.1 cells. Cells were first stained with human CD19 protein, Fc Tag (Company N) followed by FITC anti-human IgG Fc antibody, and then analyzed using NovoCyteTM Flow Cytometer. The data were analyzed with FCS Express 6Plus and GraphPad Prism 5 software.